A Sweet Treat from the Remodeling and Design Team at Woodard and Associates

Carol Woodard here on behalf of the Design and Remodeling Team at Woodard and Associates to wish everyone a very Happy Holiday Season.

In the spirit of giving, I would like to share with you the recipe  for the very, very favorite dessert of both my family and the remodeling and design team at Woodard and Associates… Blum’s Coffee Crunch Cake.

For those of you who have been in the Bay Area for awhile, you may remember Blum’s in downtown San Francisco and then later in the Stanford Shopping Center.  I was fortunate enough to be given this recipe, and it has been part of our holiday traditions ever since.

Blum’s Coffee Crunch Cake

Bake at 350 degrees

  1. 1 1/2 cups sifted cake flour
  2. 3/4 cup sugar
  3. 1/2 cup egg yolks (7 to 8 eggs)
  4. 1 Tbs. Lemon juice
  5. 1/4 cup cold water
  6. 1 tsp vanilla
  7. 1 cup egg whites (7 to 8 eggs)
  8. 1 tsp. Cream of tartar
  9. 1 tsp. Salt

Measure and sift together flour and 3/4 cup of sugar. Add egg yolks, water, lemon juice and vanilla to the dry ingredients. Beat until mixture is smooth and thick. In a large bowl, beat egg whites, cream of tartar, salt and vanilla until mixture has formed a very fine foam. Beat until meringue is firm and holds a stiff peak. Gently pour flour egg mixture over the meringue, folding in with slotted spoon or rubber spatula. Gently push batter into a greased tube pan. Cut through batter with a silver knife, 5 to 6 time to remove the bubbles. BAKE AT 350 degrees for 50 to 60 minutes. Let cake cool before removing from pan. When cake is cool, cut in half and ice with coffee crunch frosting.

Blum’s Coffee Crunch Icing

This can be made a few days earlier and stored in an air tight contain.

  1. 3 cups sugar
  2. 1/2 cup strong coffee
  3. 1/2 cup white syrup
  4. 6 tsp. Baking soda

Combine sugar, coffee and syrup. Over low heat, bring to boil and cook to hard crack stage or 300 degrees on candy thermometer. Remove from heat and immediately add 6 tsp. *soda. Quickly stir until mixture pulls away for sides. Mixture forms rapidly when soda is added. Pour foamy mass into greased shallow cookie sheet. DO NOT STIR OR SPREAD. Let stand without moving until cool. When ready to garnish cake knock out of pan and crush between two sheets of wax paper or put into a plastic bag and gently crush.

Whip 3 cups (one and one half pint) of whipping cream, and add 4 tsp. Vanilla until stiff. Add coffee crunch candy. Spread. Save larger pieces for garnish the entire cake.  This is the best part!

* Make sure that the soda if fresh… and Enjoy!


Carol Woodard, ASID – Woodard and Associates

Website   www.woodardfineart.com

Email carol@woodardfineart.com